
The Latest News

2012 Annual Report

Training programs

1: Introduction

Though Christianity has a long history in Ethiopia, the saving word of the Lord, the Gospel is still very foreign to many Ethiopian people. Some people see Ethiopia as an island of Christianity in the land of east Africa which is encircled by Muslim populations. In practical terms, almost 1/3 of the Ethiopian population are Islam. Even the rest of them (the majority from a Christian background) are not rooted in biblical Christianity. Traditional living with little sign of Christianity is the dominant feature, especially for those from the early church background.

One hundred years have passed since the introduction of evangelical Christianity to Ethiopia. However evangelicals were little known before 20 years ago. Even at this time their expansion and influence is still minimal. The gospel is not heard across much of Ethiopia. The nation is still waiting for a powerful and encompassing evangelism to turn to God through Jesus Christ.

The Ethiopian Addis Kidan Church was established 25 years ago having in mind that the church has to contribute something to the Kingdom of the Lord in the midst of Ethiopia. Its purpose is to be involved in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in an organized manner so as to maximize the effects of the ministry of the local churches. At the beginning three local churches from north Shoa and Addis realized the institution of the denomination and its functionality.

After 25 years of journey as a denomination, the number of local churches has now reached 90. Currently the churches are found in 7 geographic regions of the country unlike 2 regions at the beginning. Population diversity is also growing year after year.

The churches organized the convention office to represent it before the government and any other legal institution, aiming that it will play a coordination role.

The convention office developed different programs and projects to address the needs of the churches and help to evangelize Ethiopians. In 2012 we worked in four main areas: leadership development, church planting and development of holistic and organizational capacity programs.

II: Activities

1. Leadership development

Objective: To encourage and help different levels of church leaders to be effective in their ministry through vision sharing, awareness creation, training and church education.

1.1: Awareness creation and vision sharing
Vision sharing and awareness raising programs were first conducted at the 2011 general assembly meeting for 65 church leaders (elders and pastors). Then we did the same thing when we visited local churches. The issue of building a training centre and office and churches’ contribution to the denomination in the form of a tithe were the main concerns in our vision sharing scheme. We also encouraged the churches to be motivated in church planting and in their discipleship making programs.

1.2: Guji Bible School
The Guji zone ministry started 10 years ago in collaboration with the International Miners Mission based in UK. The office organized a regional school for two years in Kebremengist, one of the cities in the region. The pastors are expected to complete the bible education within two years. Up to this time they have taken 10 courses from among 22 courses of the program. Changes resulting from the courses are:

  1. The pastors have been motivated to minister and begin appreciating their job in the church.
  2. Their Biblical knowledge has increased.
  3. People gave witness that they have seen changes in the ministry and life of the pastors.

1.3: Teaching books preparation.
In 2012 we had planned to prepare 25 books to use as teaching materials for certificate and diploma bible school student and accomplished 11 books. The remaining will be prepared this year.

1.4: Training, conversation and prayer meeting of pastors.
We believe that pastors play a significant role in the churches’ growth. Having this in mind we conducted training, conversation and prayer meetings that involved 36 pastors of existing churches. The training focused on disciple making, pastoral activities and on other related topics. In addition to the training they also discussed the issue of church administration, challenges of pastors and factors of church growth. We also had prayer fellowship and words of encouragement. As a result the pastors were encouraged a lot.

1.5: Training and consulting meeting for Zone coordinators.
Except for a few, Addis Kidan churches are organized into 8 zones. Most of Addis Kidan zones have volunteer coordinators. The training given to them was about conflict solving techniques, a need to work together, and creating a plan of their own. They were also given direction to own some of the office responsibility in their locality such as collecting churches’ contribution or tithe to give to the convention office.

1.6: Prayer ministry.
Prayer is basic for our life and ministry. We tried to mobilize churches for prayer by giving insight trainings and through vision sharing. As a result, prayer teams have been organized at zone levels and one national prayer group gathers together twice a year.

1.7: Children and youth ministry.
Trainings on children and youth ministry were given for church elders, youth leaders, and Sunday school teachers. In addition children and youth ministry policy has been prepared in this budget year. Children training guidelines were also finalized. A youth training manual is in process.

1.8: Sports ministry.
We exercise sports ministry to evangelize communities using sports as a means to approach them. For this reason sports ministry training has been given to 38 pastors who are now involved in church planting activities. We also provided 102 footballs for existing churches. In addition, sport pants and t-shirts were given to 7 church planting site’s teams.

2. Church Planting

Objective: To enhance evangelism and church planting around local churches and in the regions that are far away from local churches through partnership and collaboration with the churches, and with local and international partners.

2.1: Cities for Christ project.
This project is intended to plant churches in 25 big cities of Ethiopia. The project started in 2011. Before the end of 2012 the number of churches planted reached nine. Three of them showed significant progress. Four are also in good condition. Two of them faced challenges. In general the work is encouraging. It also gave us the lesson that planting churches in cities is possible and that we should work hard in developing pastors as well. The pastors of this project gathered together twice in this budget year in Addis for training and discussion that aimed to motivate them for evangelism and to facilitate a smooth interaction between each other. Field visits were also made three times in most of the church planting sites.
Strengthening the ministry of an adult literacy program is also under implementation in five sites.

2.2: Miners Mission
As mentioned earlier, this project is found in Guji, in southeastern Ethiopia. The purpose is to evangelize the mining community in this area. Nine pastors have been supported by this ministry. They are responsible for ministering to existing churches and planting new churches as well. Six existing and four newly planted churches are found in Guji. The region is very fertile for evangelism.

2.3: Mission One
Mission one is also one of our sponsors on church planting. Ten pastors who are working in existing churches are sponsored by Mission one.

2.4: Global Discipleship
This project started working with Addis Kidan in 2012. We made an agreement to work together in remote areas of Ethiopia. Last year 20 proposed evangelists were trained to be sent to district cities and Kebeles of Benshangul Kilil (regional state). We are waiting for the release of funds to send them in 2013.

2.5: Gospel Fellowship
This is a membership ministry to send missionaries to different parts of Ethiopia, especially to areas that are adjacent to local churches. In 2012 we supported one missionary and prepared to send two more in 2013. The second one has already been sent at the beginning of 2013.

3. Development Program

Objectives: To foster disadvantaged community members' wellbeing through social and economic endeavors.

Pre-primary schools
The purpose of implementing pre-primary schools is first to facilitate growth of churches and their acceptance by the people where they exist. The schools are used as a bridge to link the churches and communities. Second, it is to alleviate challenges of disadvantaged communities. Presently 15 pre-primary schools are found in different parts of rural Ethiopia. Services given in 2012 are:

  1. Teaching materials support (books and teaching aid materials for all of the schools)
  2. Trainings given for 30 teachers
  3. 1055 students(kids) are learning in schools
  4. 107 students went to government schools in September by successfully completing the pre-primary level
  5. One new school began in the middle of 2012
  6. Four schools improved their level or status through construction of new buildings and acquiring playground equipment.

3.2: Livelihood programs
This includes Self Help groups and other livelihood programs found in the Hadiya zone and in Harar City. In Harar 75 women organized into a credit and saving association and were recognized as a legal entity by the regional government. The women have saved 10,500 birr within the first ten months after the establishment of their micro finance association.

3.3: Child development
The number of child development projects has increased year after year. This year 14 projects (12 with Compassion Ethiopia and two with other sponsors) are working in different parts of the country. The numbers of direct beneficiaries (children) reached 2,500. About 50 project workers are involved in those projects.

4. Organizational capacity development

Objective: To strengthen the organization's capacity by increasing its access to resources through different resource mobilization schemes and partnerships.

4.1: Collecting local churches’ contributions.
The churches are obligated to support the convention office financially. In 2012 the churches' contributions increased by 30% from the previous year.

4.2: Seeking new partners.
We have tried to find new partners to involve them in the programs we have. We have communicated through email and face to face with a lot of foreigners to show the work here and attract them as much as possible. There are a few in process that are expected to produce partnerships in the future.

4.3: Resource mobilization training.
Training given for board and staff members, and a few volunteers. The training was given aiming to mobilize board and staff members on local resource mobilization engagements.

4.4: Mobilizing resources for the office building.
We mobilized churches and individuals to execute their role for the building. Almost all off our churches have a clear view on this matter. They also began responding to the call. They pledged about half million birr in 2012 and now we are actively collecting the money in 2013.

4.5: Mission compound.
The church’s mission compound helps to generate income and serves as a site to find partners. In 2012 we faced challenges in this area. The number of missionaries and others who use our guest house has declined gradually. We are trying different mechanisms to sustain it for the year 2013.

5. Management and leadership

Objectives: To enhance the implementation role of the convention office, board and projects.

5.1: Monitoring and evaluation.
In 2012 the office conducted an action plan review in order to check the implementation status of the church. Challenges and solutions were discussed. Correction and direction were proposed. We also got lessons that help us to list our outcome indicators on the 2013 plan.

5.2: Assemblies and reports.
The office facilitated board and general assemblies. The board gathered nine times in the year and discussed different temporary and long term issues. The annual general assembly of the churches' leaders also gave forth ideas that help toward the churches' growth.

5.3: Visit and conflict settlement.
Churches were visited in different ways. Some of the churches were visited with our partners. Seven planting churches found in north and east of the country were visited with guests. Some other churches were visited with board members. In the meantime the board and staff people also went to churches to settle conflicts between church elders and pastors or between elders or pastors.

6. Challenges and Solutions


  • Unable to mobilize resources as we intended to do
  • Disputes in a few churches that forced us to travel without our plan ( demanding resource and time )
  • Challenges to get efficient, committed and patient missionaries
  • Unable to afford skyrocketing house rents for new churches

Taken solution

  • Efforts made to mobilize more finances from local and international sources
  • Tried to empower zone leaders to solve conflicts of their locality
  • Attempted to find a few missionaries from other denominations
  • Gave training to handle conflicts and made conflict settlement visits

7. Summary

Ethiopia has not been reached well yet by the message of the Good news. There is a lot to do on evangelism and church planting. For this reason we organized as a legal entity. The denomination and the churches which established the convention office are responsible to foster the Kingdom among the Ethiopian people.

The office is running different programs which are supposed to be a means to strengthen the churches so as to enable them to execute the great commission. Leadership development programs are focused on cultivating existing and potential pastors and other church leaders. The church planting is aimed to reach the unreached and to spread the Kingdom. The development activities have comprehensive advantage. On one hand they serve as a vehicle for the local churches to have influence and access in their communities. On the other hand it enables the churches to obey the words of the Lord in practical terms and to contribute something to their people.

The organization capacity development is planned to lay a firm foundation for the sustainability of the convention in the area of resources. Resources are vital for church growth.

In 2013, we have planned to give due emphasis to disciple making programs. Different materials will be prepared and distributed. The churches’ people should be disciples of the Lord. Christians should learn how to live the life which is appropriate to the gospel and should disciple others by being discipled themselves first. The church's growth is a matter of multiplication. Multiplication is possible when everyone is aware of his right and responsibility in the Lord’s Kingdom. Learn to be a disciple and disciple others is our motto.

Trip to Guji

Four days ago, we began our drive from Addis Ababa to the Guji zone in southeast Ethiopia at about 7:00 am. A group of 5 people, including our two guests, John Massink and Amanda from International Miners Mission in the UK, Shewatras our Development Coordinator, Abraham our well driller, and the driver. The road from Mojo to Awasa could now be claimed as the best road in the country. A few miles past Awasa on the road to Moyale, we turned off and took a road to the east which is not a good road like the road we were on. The road from Yigallem to Keber Mengist is an all weather track and from Keber Mengist to Shakiso is simply off road. Finally we reached Shakiso safely about 7:30 pm. God helped us along our entire journey. Praise be his mighty name.

In traveling from Awasa to Shakiso what impressed me most was the ever green environment. The entire land mass on both sides of the road is covered by trees and other small plants. The dominant plant among the existing trees is false banana. We finished this part of the road wondering at the works of God. It testifies to the splendor of our gracious God. His majesty and hands created this beautiful world, covering it with eye-catching wonderful plants and grass. It's a good lesson for me on how people can live in harmony with the environment. We should teach our people that trees are friends of all of us and that we can live without harming them in the midst of them. It should be made clear for every one of us that our current problems such as drought and food shortage are a direct result of deforestation. As many of us know 40% of the land mass in Ethiopia was covered by forests 40 years ago. But now it's only 3%: and I have realized where it is on this trip.

The next morning we visited the Shakiso church first and then we went to Reje which is located 20 miles east of Shakiso. It is very small town where the majority of the dwellers are gold miners. The Church at Reje is an outreach church with 20 baptized, 4 non-baptized and a few child members. John Massink interviewed Fikadu, the evangelist, about his life and the lives of some of the other church members. Fikadu is only 19 but is mature in his spiritual life, and is able to take the responsibility of outreach ministry in Reje. All of the believers in Reje Addis Kidan church are miners.

We left at noon after John passed the greetings of IMM and gave a donation to the church. He did the same thing for all of the ministries in the region. After lunch we went again to Shakiso church and conducted various programs until 7:30 p.m. John interviewed three miners named Dergu, Shifraw and Mogess from among the church members about their personal as well as their family life before and after they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. They told their stories as well as their hopes and desires for the future.

The second program was a graduation ceremony. Twelve evangelists and part time ministers graduated and were certified after they finished the courses which were designed at a certificate level and were given for the last two years. Nigusse was there to facilitate this program. John and I gave the certificates to the graduates in the church building. After finishing this program we invited John to say something, and he shared a wonderful story that challenged our minds and motivated us to further efforts to expand the work of the kingdom of God.

He said, "40 years ago America sent a space ship to the moon holding two space men: Neal Armstrong and his colleague. When he put down his foot and walked on the moon, Armstrong said, 'This is a small step for man and a big jump for mankind.' And today's world is a real witness to this saying. A similarly motivated lady from IMM, named Vicky, came to Ethiopia 8 years ago and she traveled to Shakiso. This small step in her life brought about a big jump in Shakiso and nearby places as we have seen today a few years later. This big difference emerged from her initiation and practical response to what God put in her heart to do." After his speech I also noticed that it was true for you and Ray. Your small step 40 years ago was the right move for today's growth of the denomination by the name of Addis Kidan.

The third program was a business meeting with the church leaders of Shakiso. We discussed current problems of the church including the evangelist's salary which is very low in relation to current economic pressures and the need to empower leaders and ministers. We also exchanged ideas about restarting the holistic approach of the church's ministry in an organized way.

The next day we went to Zenbaba, 20 miles southwest of Kibre Mengist and arrived at about 8:00 a.m. The evangelist of Zenbaba, Nigusse, led us and we visited the new church land that they received recently from the government kebele. Some of the land was bought from an individual. They got a very large piece of land and Nigusse told us that they are looking for someone to help them plant eucalyptus trees on the land. If they can do this they will be able to support themselves in constructing their prayer house sometime in the future. We also visited the church and Nigusse's house.

At about 10:30 we came back to Kibre Mengist and ate breakfast there. The Kibre Mengist Church leaders and evangelists are very enthusiastic and motivated; and they are doing the work of God with close ties and respect for each other. God has used them to plant churches in Zenbaba, Arenfama and Uyokomele. As in Zenbaba, they have bought a large plot of land and are preparing to start a church building as soon as possible. John Massink interviewed them and after his program we had a meeting with the leaders and evangelists. We also talked with the evangelists of Arenfama and Uyokomele about the work there. At 2:30 we finished the whole work and began our trip to Awassa. We passed the night in Awasa and came back to Addis today, July 31, 2009.

The work is big, and God has done many things in the churches of Guji region. When we arrived at Ziway, I interviewed John Massink to get his impressions about the trip and the work in general. He is very happy with team formation and the whole activity of the churches, and I got encouragement and constructive ideas from him. Pray for the work and the churches of the Guji Zone. Their growth is promising. Pray also for the people in the region. The people are worrying about rain. In some places the corn is withering because of the absence of rain. Praise the Lord who did everything among his people.

God bless you.
Kifle (Addis Kidan General Secretary)

Three Days in Gedo 7-9/8/2009

Gedo is located in West Shoa, 130 miles west of Addis Ababa past Ambo in the Oromiya region. It is a town in the district named Cheliya. Cheliya is one of the most productive areas of farming in the region.

At the meeting the trainees reported their church activities. From the reports we saw that the total number of their church members is 2255. Many of the local churches support their ministers by themselves. The big challenge for many churches in the region is lack of efficient pastors or teachers. The people there are rural people and most of them are illiterate. They are not able to learn the word of God by themselves. The ministers are from among the people and they do not have adequate skill and biblical knowledge to teach sound theological concepts fo the people. We have seen that Abebe, the Zone coordinator, has had a big burden in solving different disputes and other issues in the churches because of the above factors. They urged us to support Abebe and give the ministers successive trainings as much as possible. We agreed to provide further training and to work with them in order to make the churches self sufficient.

Some time in the future they may serve as a springboard for the expansion of the Kingdom towards the west of Ethiopia. We also agreed to open two kindergartens at churches there in the coming academic year. We finished the program with a good understanding of each other and joy. God helped us to answer their questions and to have a heart affiliation. Praise the Lord who is working with his churches in the region.

Kifle. General Secretary


In the year 2008 the Ethiopian Addis Kidan Church has accomplished many spiritual and development projects with the help of God. We have been able to achieve success in most of our projects because of you and others who are working with us for the sake of God's kingdom. I would like to explain some of the projects of the Church as follows.

Education, Compassion and Other Aid:
In this year we have provided support for more than 850 children in 6 preschools. The Church has created a learning opportunity for those who are unable to join in private and government schools. The Compassion child sponsorship project is one of our strong projects through which the Church has been providing holistic ministry for disadvantaged children and their families. The number of beneficiaries are more than 1000 poor children. Another child focus project is an aid project in north Shoa province. Here more than 250 children have gotten seasonal food and clothes aid. The source of this aid is Heart For Ethiopia. In general the Church helped more than 2000 children in the year 2008. Our future plan is to increase the number of preschools from 6 to 10 and students from 850 to 1250 by 2009.

Water Project:
The Awash Belo water project was completed recently. The total number of developed potable water wells is 21, and these water wells serve 281 households and 1416 individual beneficiaries. Our second water project will start in December 2008 in Hole Sire. This project will be implemented with the help of the Cooperative Baptist organization. For this reason we signed an agreement with Tagese, Survey Team Leader of the organization, the community and the local churches of West Shoa province. One more agreement was signed with Joseph Stocker to give training in well drilling for two trainees. We are also dealing with a newly emerged local NGO that demands our full scale support in drilling potable water in north Shoa zone near Addis. When we reach consensus we hope to start the project there before the end of 2008. Furthermore we are undertaking two water project proposals for Minjar and Molale communities.

Self Help and Health Care Projects:
Since the end of October we have been implementing the above two projects in Hosanna Jajura and Sundusa. The projects help us as pilot projects to introduce such activities in other parts of Ethiopia.

The PC3 project on HIV was another area of involvement of the church in the community. Unfortunately this project was terminated in the middle of 2008 because of a discrepancy from the side of our sponsors. Now we are looking for different options to resume HIV/AIDS programs by the year 2009.

Other Issues:
Recently we began working with some individuals to develop an appropriate proposal or document on the issue of sex workers. For the time being our program would be limited in one area only. In addition to these we will give due emphasis to start working with different groups of peoples in the areas of old people, street children and prisoners.

Spiritual Development:
The Church has provided different trainings including reorganizing zonal committees and other services for local churches during the year 2008. Leadership training will be the Church's major concern in the coming year. Furthermore we will organize Youth and Women affairs in local churches and at the zone level. We also have an interest in opening training centers on the site of Zone offices.

Ethiopian Addis Kidan Baptist Church    P.O. Box 80279    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia    Email Us